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「Paper by WeTransfer 4.3.2」iOS向け最新版リリースで、ページを背景色で複製するとページの背景色が変わってしまう問題などを修正。

FiftyThree, Inc.は、簡単にスケッチやメモ書きができる無料のお絵かきアプリ「Paper by WeTransfer」をアップデートし、iOS向け最新バージョン「Paper by WeTransfer 4.3.2」をリリースしました。


Paper by WeTransfer 4.3.2 (無料)
カテゴリ: 仕事効率化,ビジネス
販売元: FiftyThree, Inc. – WeTransfer(サイズ: 167.40 MB)
全てのバージョンの評価: (3651件の評価) iPhone/iPadの両方に対応

「Paper by WeTransfer 4.3.2」の新機能

*4.3.2 Fixes*

  • Changing a color swatch in 4.3.1 would trigger an irreversible loss of custom color palette data. Our team regrets releasing this bug and we encourage you to upgrade to 4.3.2 immediately.
  • Duplicating a page with a background color would result in a change to the page's background color. This is now fixed.
  • Cutting images with the Collage Tool would result in large file sizes. We've optimized image storage for this case and significantly reduced the associated file sizes.

Paper’s new collage tool introduces the simplest way to work with images. Add multiple images to the same page and cut them out or slice them up.
We’ve also added an Unsplash integration so you can search thousands of beautiful photographs right from the comfort of your personal journals.

You can also use iOS drag and drop to import images from other apps into Paper.

*4.3 Features*

  • A new tool for Paper Pro users! The collage tool lets you add, cut, and arrange multiple images per page.
  • Non Paper Pro users can still add a single image per page as always.
  • Templates are still available and now appear separately from imported images.
  • Full support for iOS drag and drop import.

*4.3.1 Fixes*

  • Added an option in Canvas Settings to hide the drop shadow applied to imported images.
  • Drawing with Apple Pencil on photos would sometimes trigger a transition to the collage tool. We fixed that.
  • Copy and pasting ink with your finger set to "Cut" was needlessly difficult. Now you can tap on the tool tray without losing your cut selection.
  • The image picker has been slow to appear for some users. This release might help.


  • iPhone
  • iPad

Paper by WeTransfer 4.3.2 (無料)
カテゴリ: 仕事効率化,ビジネス
販売元: FiftyThree, Inc. – WeTransfer(サイズ: 167.40 MB)
全てのバージョンの評価: (3651件の評価) iPhone/iPadの両方に対応

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